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The Center for Decarbonizing Chemical Manufacturing
Using Sustainable Electrification


DC-MUSE convenes a diverse team of researchers and industry experts dedicated to decarbonizing the chemical industry via electrification. The world is transitioning towards clean energy, and chemical manufacturing has particular energy needs that aren’t being addressed by the ongoing transformations. DC-MUSE’s vision is to catalyze the decarbonization of the chemical industry by innovating chemical manufacturing processes powered by sustainable electricity grids.


DC-MUSE is grateful for the sponsorship of the Sloan Foundation and National Science Foundation.

Scientist in the Lab

Inventing the 
chemical manufacturing
technologies of tomorrow

Our decarbonization scientists and engineers are leading the way


All the decarbonization news from DC-MUSE partner institutions

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Oct. 21, 2022

DC-MUSE Research Co-Director, Miguel Modestino, gave a TED Talk on using electrochemical engineering to decarbonize chemical manufacturing.  His talk highlighted the research mission of DC-MUSE and the research activities of his group to reduce the environmental impact of chemical processes using sustainable electrification.  To view the full TED Talk, please click here.  Congratulations Dr. Modestino on forwarding the mission and message of DC-MUSE!


Get in touch with Center for Decarbonizing Chemical Manufacturing Using Sustainable Electrification (DC-MUSE) to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

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